India shook with the deadly incident which resulted in hundreds of lives during stampede. This is not the first event which happened but are we Indians forget things so easily , so that these type of events happens at regular interval. After every mishappening we are in the shock, blaming the people, administration and government, but no one really want take the responsibility of such events.

Since the incident happened, everyone is busy with exposing the history of so called “baba” and his character, but the question is what we have learned from this event or previous such mis happenings.
Question arises that why stampede occurred, was it the fault of the organisers, administration or people?
Be it anyone’s fault but the main thing is that after every such events we do certain things which are first aid in nature like transferring and suspending administrative officials, setting up enquiry team and announcing compensation to the victims. Slowly and timely everything normalizes, and we are again slept till the next one happens. In the present case, so called baba was operating his preaching rallies since 15 years, but no one has any clue or complaint regarding his mode of operation or his actions, but suddenly he has came into the limelight with channels loaded with each and every minute information regarding him. Why there was no question during his tenure and his followings when he was conducting many such events before. As if we were waiting for lives of people to be sacrificed.